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Ottawa, ON, Canada


Buth, MHK

Professional Affiliations:



Marissa Buth is a graduate of the University of Ottawa Masters of Human Kinetic (MHK) program. Prior to that, she received her undergraduate degree from the University of Ottawa in Human Kinetics (BScHK). 

From a very young age, Marissa has been heavily involved in athletics. Physical activity and its teachings of determination, perseverance, leadership and responsibility have been the driving forces of many areas of her life. She has a particular interest in injury rehabilitation and the importance of blending both the psychological and physical aspects of physical activity and return to play. 

Marissa's core values, from both a personal and professional standpoint, include communication, respect and compassion. She considers these to have had a significant impact on many of the key actions and decisions of her life. 

Her professional goal is simple, it is to help you achieve your objectives. With this in mind, she uses a variety of strategies, tools and activities to teach you mental skills to enhance daily functioning and performance. Throughout your time together, she welcomes and encourages open communication, so feel free to ask her any questions you may have! This will help to build the working relationship which is another one of her goals.


Additional Training:

 Mental Health First Aid




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